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Business Regulation Back

Regulation Policy for promotion of Foreign Investment in Jammu and Kashmir-2022
Department/Organization Industries & Commerce Department
Draft release date 05-01-2022
Final release date 03-03-2022
Current Status Final

Legal Basis of the proposed regulation or license - basis in law/act/policy

All legal framework to be taken into consideration before finalizing the Draft policy

Necessity of the Act/Rule/regulation in helping government achieve its objectives

As a step towards easing the doing business in Jammu and Kashmir. This Draft Policy encourage the leap in industrialization of Jammu and Kashmir with Participation of Forgein Investors. Any act/rule a...Read More

How does it impose minimum burden on businesses to achieve the government’s objectives

Reasons for failures of the business is bad planning by the units. A clear cut objective, incentives monetary & non-monetary of the schemes and methodology to be followed by the units are defined in a...Read More

Comment List

SL. No. Date Name Mobile Email User comment Department Reply
1 12-01-2022 Suresh Chauhan 9816067202 More incentives to be provided the said Draft policy Draft Policy to be reviewed after every 5 years
2 25-01-2022 SYEDZARIK QADRI 9816067201 SYEDZARIK21@GMAIL.COM Separate Land bank should be created in the Draft policy forgein investments Focus on Local entrepreneurship in the Draft policy
3 12-02-2022 Narinder Kohli 9816067290 Benefits from both the Sechems should be considered in the draft Policy.